In order to most effectively download, install, and manage the versions of Unity on our computer, we will use something called Unity Hub:
In a new tab, either Google “Download Unity Hub” or go to, then click to Download Unity Hub
From your Downloads folder, double-click on the Unity Hub Setup file to begin the installation
Agree to Unity Terms of Service and follow the instructions to install Unity Hub
Now that Unity Hub is installed, we need to actually install a new version of Unity and our code editor, Visual Studio:
In the Installs tab click to Add a new Unity Version
Accept any necessary terms and conditions and begin installation
In order to access a lot of important Unity services, including the Unity Asset Store, we need to be signed in with a Unity ID:
From the Account menu in Unity Hub, click to Sign in
Je kan ook deze link volgen:
Open Unity Hub for the first time and click on the tabs along the left side to explore it.
Select 2021.3.X LTS, then click Next. LTS stands for “Long-Term Support”, which is a stable version of Unity that will be supported for 2 years.
On the Add modules screen, select Visual Studio (for Mac or PC). This is the software you will use to edit code. If you already have Visual Studio installed, it will not show up as an option.
If you already have an account, sign in - otherwise, you can sign in quickly through Google or Facebook or Create a New Unity ID.